Bookkeeping dates
September is “Happy Cat Month”.
1st, Germany invades Poland starting World War 2, 1939.
2nd, Great Fire of London starts, 1666.
2nd, Victory in Japan (VJ) day, 1945.
3rd, Britain adopts the Julian calendar and 2nd is followed by 14th, 1752.
3rd, Britain and France declare war on Germany, 1939.
4th, Beatles start first recording session at Abbey Road studios, 1962.
5th, End of Payroll month 5.
7th, Queen Elizabeth I born, 1533.
11th, Worlds worst terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre, New York, 2001.
13th, New £5 Bank of England Note issued, Winston Churchill image and in a polymer material.
15th, first railway death occurs, 1830.
15th, the first use of tanks in combat took place during the Battle of the Somme, 1916.
15th, Agatha Christie, author, born, 1890.
15th, Monetary Policy Committee announcement.
15th, House of Parliament rises for Conference season.
18th, Wife Appreciation Day.
21st, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, Q3.
22nd, payments for Payroll month 5 due by today latest.
26th, Golden Hind with Sir Francis Drake returns to Plymouth after making first circumnavigation of world, 1580.
28th, Norman conquest of England begins, 1066.
28th, God Save the King first sung, 1745.
29th, Horatio Nelson, naval hero, born, 1758.
29th, the Metropolitan Police formed, first “Bobbies” appear, 1829.
30th, Neville Chamberlain returns to Britain after the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler, 1938.

Bookkeeping diary