Bookkeeping dates for December.
Plus other interesting dates.
December is “Write a business plan month”. So if you were thinking of starting a business then writing a business plan is a good discipline to think through all the aspects you will need to manage. There are many people that can help with this plan and bookkeepers are certainly capable. At Accounting for Smiles we have the enthusiasm that can help you translate your idea into reality.
1st is World Aids day. Wear your red ribbon with pride.
4th the oldest Sunday newspaper, The Observer, was first published in 1791.
5th close of payroll month 8. Payment for the PAYE and National Insurance is due to be made by Thursday 22nd December.
6th in 1921 the Irish Free State comes into existence giving independence to the 26 Southern counties of Ireland.
7th in 1941 the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese and leads to America joining World War II.
8th is Pretend to be a Time traveller day. If only this could become a reality? What would you do differently if you had that opportunity? Perhaps start a business and then ask for help with your bookkeeping needs.
11th in 1901 Guglielmo Marconi transmits the first radio signal across the Atlantic. A great enhancement to communication around the world. It also developed into entertainment, although many stations only transmit across the world wide web.
12th in 1955 engineer Christopher Cockerell patents his “half ship and half aircraft” vehicle, the Hovercraft. Another great British invention.
15th is re-gifting day. What can you do with those gifts you have received but no longer use? Well, re-gift them to somebody else, a good way to re-cycle.
15th Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee announcement.
15th in 1995 European Union leaders announce that the new currency for the Union would be called the “Euro”. But not every EU member joined the single currency when it became a reality in 2002. Britain decided that 5 tests needed to be passed to allow it to join, and this never came to fruition. With the referendum in June 2016 to seek withdrawal from the EU then the decision not to join the Euro currency zone seems like great foresight.
18th in 1946 the Labour government wins a House of Commons vote which leads to nationalization of many industries including railways, ports and mines. During the 1980’s and later British government policy was to de-nationalise most of these industries.
20th House of Commons rises for the Christmas recess.
22nd in 1988 a Pan-American flight 103 is blown up by terrorists over Lockerbie killing 259 on the plane and 11 on the ground. This was blamed in Libyan government sponsored terrorism.
23rd the BBC starts the world’s first regular entertainment radio broadcast in 1922. The remit to “entertain, inform and educate” has given both Britain and the world many award winning programs. Some of these cover finance, money and business.
25th in 440 church leaders agree to fix the date of the birth of Jesus.
31st is No Interruptions day, so take time for yourself and get those jobs you have been putting-off done.

Bookkeeping reporting